About Coffee
Coffee History
Ethiopia is the ancestral home of cultivated Arabica coffee with wild Coffea arabica L, being the
parental shrub growing naturally in the moist forest. With continuous active selection and
breeding activities, many varieties like Batian and Ruiru II in Kenya have emerged with improved
disease and pest tolerance coupled with high yields potential.
Coffee consumption has existed for more than 1,000 years leading to the current status of being
the most consumed drink to water with over 33.33 Billion cups per month and most traded
commodity after oil as per 2017 statistics. Coffee propagation culture commenced in Arabia as
early as 575 in Yemen and later in the 16th century in Persia. Coffee drinking was appreciated in
Europe in 1615, after being brought by traders, later Germans, Frenchmen, and Italians who
introduced in their colonies. The Dutch introduced botanical garden of Amsterdam that made
and triggered increase in drinking and defining culture of the Europeans. Netherland and France
experiences led to expansion of the coffee cultivation to other European colonies due to readily
available European market.
Coffee sustains over 100 million people globally and is rated among the largest export
commodities in the world. Coffea arabica (arabica or highland coffee) and Coffea canephora
(Robusta or lowland coffee) are the main coffee species that are commercially grown, however
there are 124 coffee species existing and which have been named to date. Coffee Arabica
contributes 70% of produced coffee while Robusta contributes 30% (ICO, 2016). Coffee is to
date planted in over 11 million hectares in the world spread over 60 countries in the tropics.
In Kenya, coffee was first planted in 1893 at Bura in Taita hills thereafter it was grown in Kibwezi
in 1900 followed by Kiambu in 1904, since then coffee growing was expanded to several areas of
Central Kenya, Meru, Kisii, Machakos, Mount Elgon and Rift Valley.
Agricultural production
The fast increasing population is the greatest challenge to the agriculture sector and natural
resource management and sustainability. It is estimated that each year the population increases
by an average of 90 million individuals. Agriculture sector is meant to feed the population and
improve the well-being of the farmers.
Kenyan economy depends heavily on agriculture with over 75% of rural livelihood depending on
it and about 28% on the national GDP contribution level out which coffee contributes 0.2%.
Agriculture sector in Kenya utilize over 70 % of labour force, giving 25 % of the total national
GDP, 60 % total export earnings, over 75 % of raw materials for the industries and contributes
to 45 % of total government revenue. Coffee is the fifth largest foreign exchange earner in Kenya
after tourism, tea, horticulture and diaspora remittances. Furthermore, Coffee is mainstay of
about 800,000 households most of whom are in the rural areas and hilly terrains. Rural areas are
characterized by high level of poverty, low income, low education levels and key resources
available that needs management.
The coffee Sector in Kenya
Kenya’s agriculture cannot be complete without mentioning good climatic conditions which are favourable for coffee production of high quality sought product especially in the rural areas where over 70% of the world’s poor live. Coffee performance determines the livelihoods and economic status of over 800,000 households in rural areas of Kenya. This therefore means that an improved coffee performance translates to improved rural development.
Coffee production
Coffee production is an important economic venture world over for example in 1830 Brazilian business men shifted their business from gold to coffee basically for local consumption. This shift triggered infrastructural development including an approximate of 7,000 km railroad between 1860 and 1885 which further transportation of labour to work in the country especially the State of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo which has favourable climate, soils, and terrain. Coffee opened Brazil to immigrants from Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, German, and Japanese nationals who were looking for better economies. The gains made by coffee trade have created a sustained economic growth in the coffee growing countries. Coffee exports are closely related to various developments in many countries namely Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire and Kenya.
The coffee sector in Kenya is a key economic undertaking in terms of income generation, employment creation, foreign exchange earnings and tax revenue. Even politics at all levels cannot ignore or be ignored by coffee, not least in the race for well-paying jobs, sinecures, and contracts in the various institutions that serve as gravy trains in the coffee sector fiscal and monetary system.
Kenya coffee production is categorized into two systems namely the estate and smallholder with a total of about 4000 estates and over 800,000 smallholder producers who operate and process their coffees in about 550 cooperative societies. Cooperative sector made of smallholder’s farmers account for 75% of total acreage with less than half of total production. There is high production in the estate sub sector due to increased adoption of technologies demand driven extension approaches working on it hence utilization of appropriate fertilizers, agrochemicals and water supplementation at the right timing.
It is estimated that five million people depend on coffee for their livelihood along the value chain which include the nursery operators, growers, agrochemical industry, millers, marketers, transporters, roasters, packers, financial institutions, insurance companies and coffee houses. Owing to its immense contribution to the economic growth of our country, coffee is one among the crops selected for commercialization in Kenya’s The Big 4 Agenda.
Commercial Coffee Varieties Grown in Kenya
Variety | Areas Grown | Spacing and population density | Attributes |
Batian | All coffee growing areas | 2.1 x 2.5 m (7 x 8ft) 1905 trees/ha |
Ruiru 11 | All coffee growing areas | 2x2m (6.6 x 6.6ft) 2500 trees/ha |
SL 34 | High altitude with good rainfall | 2.74 x 2.74 m (9 x 9 ft) 1330 trees/ha |
SL 28 | Medium to high altitude coffee zones less prone to Leaf Rust | 2.74 x 2.74 m (9 x 9 ft) 1330 trees/ha |
K7 | Low altitude | 2.74 x 2.74 m (9 x 9 ft) 1330 trees/ha |
The main methods of coffee propagation are:
i. Seeds
ii. Cuttings
iii. Grafting
iv. Tissue culture
Propagation by seed
Vegetative propagation is a method of producing planting materials using plant vegetative parts
instead of seeds. The materials produced vegetatively are genetically identical to the mother
plant. This is done predominantly on the disease resistant hybrid cultivar Ruiru 11.
Clonal mother plants
Propagation by cuttings
Propagation by grafting
Propagation by Tissue culture
Potting media and transplanting
Maintenance of seedlings
Hardening of seedlings
Gradually reduce shade and the watering frequency to harden the seedlings at 7-8 months after potting.
Land preparation
Field planting
Apply the mulch around the stem and ensure that it does not come into contact with it to avoid incidences of insect pest attack
Weed Management
Coffee Nutrition
For high yields and quality, there is need for adequate and timely supply of both macro and micro
nutrients. The nutrients can be supplied from various sources such as fertilizers, manures or
composted plant materials. Fertilization programs are based on established inherent soil fertility
characteristics and expected production level.
Essential nutrients in coffee
Role of macro and micronutrients and deficiency symptoms
Importance of macronutrients
Nitrogen (N)
Phosphorus (P)
Potassium (K)
Magnesium (Mg)
Calcium (Ca)
Importance of micronutrients
Zinc (Zn)
It is the only known metallic plant hormone which:
Boron (B)
Iron (Fe) and Sulphur (S)
Molybdenum (Mo)
Sources of macro and micronutrients
Inorganic fertilizers
Compound Fertilizers (NPK)
Nitrogenous Fertilizers
Phosphate Fertilizers
Foliar Fertilizers
These are formulations of soluble fertilizers usually applied on the foliage of the coffee
tree to supplement soil applied fertilizers with the aim of:
- Correcting nutrient deficiency
- Supplementing nutrient availability where soil nutrient uptake is impeded during dry weather or cold spells
- Apply when evaporation is low, preferably mornings or evenings, when it is not hot
- Boma manures are livestock organic waste made from accumulated dung from cattle pens and bomas
- Farmyard manure (FYM) is made from a mixture of farm plant residues and daily accumulation of dung. Periodic turnings of the boma and FYM leads to a fine livestock manure. The latter is often richer in potassium.
- Compost is made from decomposed organic materials derived from plant residue
- Mulches are plant materials applied directly on the soil surface
- The benefits of all these include:
- Improvement of soil structure
- Improvement of soil porosity/aeration - ability of the soil to hold optimal water and air
- Lowered soil bulk density hence improved P uptake
- Moderation of top soil temperatures
- Minimization of top soil moisture loss
- Increment of microbial activity
- Suppression of weed/insect pests
- Soil erosion control
- To avoid inducing nutrient imbalances, the mulching material to be used should be guided by the soil nutrient status. Examples of manures and the nutrients they supply:
- Cattle manure - rich in Nitrogen and Potassium
- Poultry manure - rich in Phosphorus and Nitrogen
- Coffee pulp - rich in Potassium and Nitrogen
- Sisal waste - rich in Calcium
- The amount of nutrients released to crops depends on:
- Nature and origin of materials
- Level of decomposition
- Weather conditions
- Storage condition - exposing the manure to direct sun or rain leads to loss of Nitrogen.
- Apply 6 months before the main flowering (April for October/November flowering and October for March/April flowering) at the rate of 250g/tree to allow the plant to absorb adequate amount of P. P absorption is a slow process for dicots
- Apply 2 weeks after the onset of rains to allow the feeder roots to develop
- Apply on at most 20cm wide ring along the drip line and incorporate shallowly in the soil. Alternatively, scoop some soil, apply then cover shallowly (1 – 2 inches) with soil. The latter is more efficient
- Apply a foliar mixture of Zinc and Boron at the rate of 2 - 3kg of each per Ha (40 - 60 g of each/20 litres of water) 2 – 3 months before the main flowering
- Apply Nitrogen fertilizer (CAN/ASN) after the main flowering, two weeks after the onset of rains at the rate of 300g/tree per year
- For East of Rift Valley, apply in 2 equal splits at 3 - 4 weeks’ interval (150g per application)
- In West of Rift Valley, apply in 3 equal splits at 3 - 4 weeks’ interval (100g per application)
- Apply the fertilizer in at least a 30cm wide ring starting from the drip line towards the stem
- If trees are carrying a heavy crop, apply a foliar fertilizer rich in Nitrogen during the dry or cold spell. For example, apply Urea 46% N at the rate of 10kgs/ha (10kgs in 1000 lts of water or 200g per 20lts of water) or other foliar formulations rich in Nitrogen. A better practice will be to use a foliar rich in NPK Manure application
- Apply 1 - 2 debes of well decomposed manure/coffee pulp once a year during the dry weather, a month before the rains
- Dig a shallow furrow ring (4 – 6” deep), 30cm
Consist of manures, mulches and composts
Appropriate fertilizer types and rates depends on overall fertility status of the soil and can be determined by undertaking soil analysis.
N.P.K application
Boron/Zinc application
Nitrogen application
The key areas for the late main crop are – Central region, Upper Embu and West of Rift Note: NPK application in West of Rift valley should be done in August or September depending on the start of rains
The key areas for the early main crop are – Meru, Machakos, Taita, and Oloitoktok regions
Note: Trees carrying a heavy crop should be supplied with adequate nitrogen. The application of nitrogen should be based on expected production. The table below gives a guideline on the amount of nitrogenous fertilizer to be applied for various levels of production. 4.6 Soil sampling and analysis
Soil sampling entails collecting representative samples (random sampling) from the whole farm for the purpose of analysis. It should be done during the dry season
Irrigation in Coffee
Irrigation is the artificial application of controlled amounts of water to soil at predetermined intervals in order to make up for inadequate rainfall for the purpose of increasing the cropping level. It is done to supplement rainfall especially when the tree is carrying a heavy crop. Irrigation may be done through drip, overhead, basin, under tree or bottle irrigation.
Benefits of irrigation
Types of irrigation
Coffee needs to be irrigated when:
Moisture deficit testing kit (cobalt chloride disc method) is used to determine whether to irrigate or not. On average, if time taken by the disc to change from blue to pink is 5 minutes or more, there is need for irrigation.
Important aspects of irrigation
Canopy Management in Coffee Canopy management is the overall process of ensuring optimal production of the bearing wood in order to maximize annual regular cropping. It includes pruning, tree training, handling, de- suckering and change of cycle.
Benefits of Canopy Management
Coffee Tree Training Systems
There are two training systems in coffee namely capped and uncapped (free growth) system:-
Benefits of capped tree system
Pruning is a process through which undesired branches are removed in order to concentrate growth on the wanted branches and it is normally carried out after the main harvesting. Unhealthy trees due to die-back should be pruned only after new vegetative growth.
6.4.1 How to prune coffee under the uncapped system (free growth)
How to prune coffee under the capped system
Handling and de-suckering
A process of rejuvenation (renewal) of the old bearing heads with new ones. This can be done through gradual replacement or clean stumping. This should be preferably done after every 5 major main crops
Uncapped (free growth)
Change of cycle in a capped system
Top-working is varietal conversion that involves converting disease susceptible mature trees of Arabica coffee into Ruiru 11/Batian without uprooting and replanting.
Methods used in top-working
Top-work during cool and wet weather to achieve best results
How to top-work
Top working procedure:
- Induce sucker growth on the trees to be converted by side pruning in September to October or January to February
- When the suckers are six months old, they will be approximately pencil thick, hardened and suitable for grafting
- Select 3 to 4 healthy suckers per stem originating from as near the ground as possible (4- 6 inches) and graft with single node scions of Ruiru 11 or Batian bearing a pair of leaves
- Tie the graft union with a tape to keep the scion in place and to prevent fungal infections
- Lower a milky tube to enclose the grafted sucker and tie the lower open end tightly just below the graft union
- Pour a little water (approximately 50ml) carefully into the polythene bag maintaining its level below the graft union. The water helps to maintain a high relative humidity for enhanced healing
- Remove the bag when the graft union is completely healed (after about 6 months)
- Remove the tape tying the graft union
- Remove the old stems when the grafted suckers start bearing
- Infill with the selected variety to achieve the recommended plant population for the new variety
Benefits of top-working
Weed Management in Coffee
Weeds compete with coffee for nutrients, light and moisture. This leads to production of less yields and low quality coffee grades like C, T, TT and defects like lagged beans and pods. Weeds also act as alternate host to some coffee pests making their management difficult in un-weeded fields.
There are two types of weeds, annual and perennial. Their management includes mechanical, cultural, chemical and integrated weed management strategies.
Economic importance of weeds
A weed is plant that grows where it is not wanted. It has the following effects on coffee:-
Timeliness in weeding
Effective weed control depends on timely application of the control methods that should be done before:-
Common types of weeds
Weeds are classified either as annual or perennial weeds.
Annual weeds
Perennial weeds
Methods of weed control
Weed management in coffee can be achieved through mechanical, cultural, chemical or a combination of any two or more strategies hereby referred to as Integrated Weed Management (IWM).
This involves:-
This involves use of traditional practices such as mulching, close spacing and cover crops.
This entails use of herbicides which are either systemic or contact in their mode of action.
For effective chemical control, it is important to use recommended spray equipment, motorised sprayers or knapsack sprayers and most importantly the selection of nozzles. The nozzles should be wedge shaped as opposed to cone shape. These will cover large swathes as well as ensuring chemical does not drift to coffee plant. Sometimes it is important to use a shield to avoid any chemical drift.
Integrated Weed management
This is a combination of any two or more of the methods mentioned above. It is most effective, cost friendly and efficient as it is directed by the weed spectrum present in a particular coffee farm.
Disease Management in Coffee
Classification of coffee diseases in Kenya
Some diseases are major while others are minor. The main coffee diseases in Kenya include
Minor diseases are Armillaria root rot, Botrytis Warty disease, Root rot, Brown eye spot, Leaf blight and stem die back.
Major Coffee diseases
Coffee Berry Disease (Colletotrichum kahawae)
Resistant varieties - New planting of disease resistant varieties or conversion of susceptible varieties to resistant ones through top working
Coffee Leaf Rust (Hemileia vastatrix)
Conditions favouring high disease incidences
Management of Leaf Rust Cultural control - Proper and timely pruning and regular change of cycle
Chemical control - This entails the use of recommended Copper-based fungicides. Timing is critical for the control of leaf rust and the sprays should be applied before the commencement and during the early period of the rainy season. For effective management:
- Start the 1st round of sprays just before the short rains and repeat 3 weeks later
- Start the 2nd round of sprays before the onset of long rains and do 2 more at 3 weeks interval
- In case the infection is severe (20% of leaves have rust), it is necessary to use a systemic fungicide such as Alto or Bayleton. Do not spray more than 2 times a year as it affects production of plant hormones leading to hormonal imbalance such as the balance between floral and vegetal inducing hormones. This may affect flowering and thus production
- Adhere to the spray programme. Improper use of fungicides may lead to development of resistance by the pathogen
Bacterial Blight of coffee (Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae)
Management of BBC
Fusarium Bark Disease (Fusarium stilboides)
There are 3 distinct forms namely Storeys bark disease, Collar rot and Scaly bark.
Conditions favouring high disease incidences
Management of Fusarium Bark Disease
Cultural control
- Avoid deep planting
- Keep soil pH at optimum (4.4-5.4)
- Proper application of mulch (6 from the stump) to avoid Collar rot
- Sterilising of pruning tools with methylated spirit
- Eliminate wood boring insect pests e.g. yellow headed borer. This can be done by maintaining soil potash at optimal level as per soil analysis recommendations
- Uproot and burn all infected trees having die bark from Collar rot
Chemical Control
- In case of storey bark disease cut off and burn affected suckers or heads. Paint the scars with a fungicidal paint (1 teaspoonful of Captan plus 150ml vegetable oil).
- In disease prone areas, spray suckers raised for conversion fortnightly with Captan at 40gm in 10 litres of water from emergence until wood bark matures to about 30 cm (1 foot) from the base
- For scaly bark, no action need to be taken as long as no further signs of disease develop
Fusarium Root Disease (Fusarium solani) Symptoms
Management of FSD
Cultural control
- Uproot and burn infected trees. Leave the hole exposed for at least six months before replanting
- Avoid damaging the roots of seedlings during planting
Chemical control
Minor Coffee Diseases
Armillaria root rot (Armillaria heimii)
This is a fungal disease commonly associated with new establishments where trees have been uprooted leaving residual lateral roots. The residual roots contain food substrates for Armillaria fungi to multiply. These fungi eventually infect the developing coffee roots.
Conditions favouring high disease incidences
Management of Amillaria
Other minor coffee diseases include Botrytis Warty disease, Root rot, Brown eye spot, Leaf blight and stem die back. However, these are not of major economic importance.
Pests Scouting and IPM
It is important to avoid unnecessary insecticide sprays in order to conserve the beneficial insects or natural enemies
Classification of Insect pests
Major insect pests The major coffee insect pests are Antestia Bug, Coffee Berry Borer (CBB), Thrips, Coffee Scales (Green scales, Mealy bugs), Stem Borers (White Stem Borer, Yellow headed Borer), Berry moth, Leaf miner, Root mealybug, and Giant Loopers.
Minor insect pests
Minor insect pests include Capsid bugs, Systates weevil, White Waxy scales, Brown scales Mites and Cottony scales among others
Prevalent insect pests
Antestia Bug It is a broad insect, up to 6mm long (¼ inch long), dark brown in colour with orange and white markings
Symptoms and damage
Cultural control
Chemical control
Coffee Berry Borer (CBB) Symptoms and damage
Symptoms and damage
Management Cultural control
Chemical control
Green scales, Mealy bugs and other scales
The management of Green scales, brown scales, white waxy scales and the Kenya mealy bugs is similar. Scales suck the plant sap causing reduction in coffee production and quality.
Symptoms and damage
Biological control
Chemical control
Integrated method Combines the cultural, biological and chemical methods. Coffee trees infested by scales are banded (Chemical control) 6 inch at the base of the trunk with a recommended insecticide. Followed by removal of any branches (cultural control) touching the ground that act as the bridges for attendant ants. This creates favourable conditions for natural enemies (Biological control) to attack the scales.
White Stem Borer
Symptoms and damage
Mechanical control
- Paint or spray a 90 cm band above the ground on coffee trunk with a recommended insecticide. Repeat after one year and every second year. Insert a cotton ball soaked in an insecticide through the tunnel in incidences where the larva has entered into the stem.
Yellow headed borer
Symptoms and damage
Cultural control
- Cut off infested primaries and burn them
- Kill the larva(e) already in the stem by inserting a wire/spoke at the last hole downwards
- Remove and burn the heavily infested heads
Chemical control
Enlarge the lowest hole and use a pen filler or an oil can to squirt in any recommended insecticide
Berry moth
The larva is a reddish caterpillar 12mm (1/2 inch) long when fully grown.
Symptoms and damage
Chemical control
Leaf Miner
The pest is most common in the East of the Rift Valley.
Symptoms and damage
Irregular brown blotches on the upper side of the leaves, covering white caterpillars of size 12 mm (½ in) long within the “mine”.
Chemical control
- Use recommended systemic insecticides that are ground/soil applied
- Foliar spray Biological insecticides (Insect Growth Regulators- IGR’s)
Symptoms and damage
Chemical control
- Apply the recommended insecticide during establishment and/or infilling
- Ground application along the dripline of infested coffee trees with recommended insecticides. This to be applied when soils are wet
Capsid Bug This is a common coffee pest in all coffee growing regions.
Symptoms and damage
Chemical control
Biological control
Giant Looper
Giant Looper is a widely distributed pest. It is associated with heavy use of Organo-phosphates. The caterpillars are Pale grey to dark brown in colour and they resemble the twigs. They measure 5 cm (2 in) when fully grown. They move with looping motion.
Symptoms and damage
Management Chemical control
Mechanical/Physical control
Biological control
Other coffee insect pests
Other coffee insect pests that are not of much economic importance include, Jelly grub, Green Loopers, Dusty Brown Beeetle, Fruit fly, Yellow, Green and Red Tortrix, Black Borer, Fried Egg scales, White Waxy scales, Mites, Lacebug, Tip borer, Black borer, Leaf Skelotonizer, Systates weevil, Tailed caterpillar, Stinging caterpillar, Berry butterfly and Cottony scales. These pests occur sporadically and are associated with indiscriminate use of insecticides which leads to elimination of natural enemies such as Ladybird beetles. Consequently, the pest population increases to a level warranting chemical control.
Cherry harvesting
Cherry sorting
Pulping and pre-grading
Fermentation and intermediate washing
Final washing and grading of parchment
Parchment drying
Skin drying of parchment (55-45% MC)
White stage (45-30% M.C)
Soft black stage (30 -20% M.C)
Medium black stage (20 -16% M.C)
Hard black stage (16 -11% M.C)
Conditioning (11-10.5% M.C)
The semi-washed processing method
Processing at small and medium estate farms
Storage of parchment
Avoid the use of herbicides as a means of weed control at the wet mills
Important considerations in coffee processing
Factory Hygiene and maintenance
Coffee waste management
Buni drying (dry processing)
Common errors on pulper settings and their remedies
Error | Causes | Remedies |
Unpulped cherry passing through the pulper / repasser | Knives / Plough too far from the discAdjust plough closer Nipping of beansKnives / plough too close to disc Proper sorting Too small beans | Adjust plough closer/ Proper sorting |
Nipping of beans | Knives / plough too close to disc/ Under-ripes, over-ripes | Adjust the plough / knife wider (a used hacksaw blade size) Check and replace bearings |
Whole cherry lost with pulp | Knife set too far from the disc | Adjust knife setting as above |
Excess pulp in pulped coffee | Worn out disc surfaces / Too high cherry feed rate into pulper | Re-spray discs/ Reduce feed rate |
Intermittent ringing sound coming from pulper | Knives set too close to Loose disc shaft/ Cover plates touching disc/ Hard object trapped between disc and plough disc | Reset Knives correctly/ Check shaft bearings/ Correct by adjusting/ Remove the object |
After the primary processing, the next step in the coffee value chain is secondary processing as a preparation for marketing of coffee. Quality assessment precedes determination of price.
Secondary processing Secondary coffee processing entails parchment milling, grading and classification of clean coffee. Prior to delivery of coffee for milling, a grower should ensure that a signed milling agreement has been registered at the coffee directorate. The milling agreement should clearly indicate what the parties have negotiated and agreed on, in terms of milling charges and other charges associated with milling process.
Booking Slip
Movement Permit
Grower delivery notes
Weighbridge tickets
This is done to protect the equipment and ensure a clean product is obtained. It entails the removal of all foreign objects such as stones, nails, hair, etc
Milling involves hulling, polishing and sorting of defects. Hulling is the removal of husk while polishing is the removal of silver skin from the clean/green bean surface. Milling yields a mixture of beans of various sizes, shapes and density
Kenya coffee is graded into seven categories by use of mechanically agitated sieve graders as follows:
Others include
Quality assessment
Coffee classification in Kenya is done through cupping (liquoring). Cupping is a method used to systematically evaluate the aroma and the taste characteristics of coffee through taste sense (organoleptic method). This is the Devonshire method of classification
Attributes considered in quality assessment
In a coffee sample, several attributes are considered in order to determine the overall quality. These are;
The raw bean quality- the size of the beans, the color and the defects
Color ranges from bluish green to brown. It depends on geographical origin, age, processing, storage conditions and maturity of cherry at harvest
The cup quality - Acidity, body, flavor, off-flavors
Flavor - The simultaneous sensation in the palate of aroma and taste. Good flavors includes:
Off-flavors - defect transmitted to taste properties of flavor. This constitutes the poor cup quality as a result of poor processing and husbandry practices. They include:
Quality descriptors
Several descriptors are used in determination of quality. These are;
Raw beans
- Size: 1 - 6 Very bold - very small
- Colour: 1- 8 Bluish - brown
Coffee liquoring procedure
Coffee defects
There are two coffee marketing channels in Kenya - direct sales and the auction system at the Nairobi Coffee Exchange (NCE). Participants at the two marketing channels are the commercial coffee marketing agents, coffee dealers/traders and the growers
Appointment of marketing agents
Reserve prices
Sale of noted coffees
Direct sales
Kenya Coffee mark of origin
Sustainable Coffee Production
Sustainable coffee farming refers to the growing of coffee in a way that does not jeopardise the future generations ability to derive similar benefits. It is a system of farming that ensures high yields and quality, meets consumer demands, conserves the environment by avoiding environmental pollution, gives better returns to farmers and guarantees food security through crop diversification. It employs practices such as minimizing water usage, preventing processing effluent from returning to rivers, planting shade trees in coffee and avoiding cutting of trees and charcoal burning.
Dimensions of sustainability in coffee farming
Sustainability has three pillars (dimensions)
Environmental pillar
Aspects of the environment that are impacted upon by coffee producers include Flora, Fauna, Wildlife, Soil, Air and Water. Various activities at the farm level might impact negatively on the environment and need to be addressed. For example, lack of soil conservation measures leads to loss of soil and water through surface run off.
Environmental sustainability entails
Protection of water sources
Sources of water include rivers, springs, boreholes, lakes and wetlands. To protect these sources;
Conservation of soil
Soil erosion results in the loss of productive top soil and introduces contamination into nearby water bodies. Erosion results from high rainfall on sloppy land devoid of soil conservation measures. Decline in the organic matter content and earth mineral base saturations also has major contribution to increase in the soil erosivity
Soil erosion can be controlled by:
Maintenance of soil productivity - can be done by:
Protecting biodiversity
Biodiversity (biological diversity) is a variety of fauna and flora in a particular habitat. To maintain and promote that natural biodiversity and the ecosystem within and adjacent to coffee production areas;
13.3.4 On-farm energy conservation
This is the reduction in the amount of energy consumed in a process, system, organization or society through economy, elimination of wastage and rational use. This can be achieved by conserving electric and fossil energy, utilizing renewable energy and use of energy conserving technologies.
Use of renewable Energy
Energy conserving technologies
Environmentally friendly primary processing practices
Social pillar
This refers to the social aspects touching on workers welfare including wages, working hours, housing, provision of clean portable water and sanitary facilities There is need for a structured and documented policy on child labour, safety at work, discrimination, gender equality, sexual harassment and worker's rights. Social sustainability entails appropriate practices in:
Hiring and employment - This practice ensures:
Workers conditions - This entails:
It's important to ensure:
Food security is a situation where all people at all times have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets the dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
Kenya's long-term goal of food self -sufficiency (producing everything consumed in the country) remains unmet.
Measures for ensuring food security in coffee growing areas
Intercropping of food crops in coffee
Diversification in coffee farming
Diversification can also entail: